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- Curhat Corner: Favourite Couple in Fatal Frame Series
Posted by : imfaghag
January 15, 2015
Yuhuuu gays and hags, sebenarnya ini gak terlalu penting sih. Cuman curhatan eike aja soal Fatal Frame 5 :3 Buat yang suka Fatal Frame series monggo disimak hehe.
So, begini... Yue udah ngikutin Fatal Frame series semenjak Fatal Frame 1, yep yang chara utamanya waktu itu kakak beradik Mafuyu dan Miku Hinasaki. Fatal Frame 1, 2, dan 3 sebenarnya berhubungan. Nah, entah karena otak eike yang rusak atau gimana, eike ngeliat hubungan antara Mafuyu (Fatal Frame 1), Kei sama Yuu (Fatal Frame 3) tuh rada gimanaaaa gitu. Tapi dari pada threesome, eike mending milih Kei x Yuu sih #plaak Apalagi pas jalanin character jadi Kei, kan si Kei ngejar-ngejar Yuu terus tuh... Berasa gimanaaaa gitu *ehem* #tibatibalupaingatankalauyuutunanganrei
Nah di Fatal Frame 2, eike juga ngeship si kembar alias Itsuki dan Mutsuki. Dicerita Fatal Frame 2, Itsuki ngebunuh saudara kembarnya sendiri (Mutsuki) karena ada adat ritual di desa mereka tinggal kan. Cuman si Itsuki gak tega buat ngebunuh Mutsuki, tapi karena itu kewajiban, akhirnya pas dia ngebunuh Mutsuki si Itsuki bunuh diri :'(
Dan yang terakhiiiiir... Eike TADINYA ngeship Ren dan Rui dari Fatal Frame 5.
Foto diatas itu namanya Rui, waktu pertama kali liat. Yang ada di pikiran eike tuh kayak "AAAAAW!!! He's F***** CUTE!!" fix banget deh kayak tampilan ala ala uke gitu, dan lagi, doi tinggal sama senseinya yang bernama Ren. Ceritanya Rui jadi asisten si Ren gitu :3
Ini yang namanya Ren :3 |
Si Rui selalu nemenin Ren kalo ada misi gitu kan, dan gak heran si Rui selalu kena bahaya. Tapiii, Ren selalu nyelametin si Rui. And I thought it was really cuteeeee. Dari pandangannya si Rui yang selalu diselametin sama Ren, kayaknya tatapannya tuh gimanaaa gitu :'3 Aduh gemes banget deh pokoknya pas mainin game ini. Walaupun eike gak terlalu ngerti ya sama bahasa Jepang, jadi maininnya pake hati aja dah #plaak
Terus kan ada adegan gini ya... Waktu lagi research gitu, kan udah bisa make kameranya. Terus aku fotoin aja tuh si Rui, awwww katanya "Kirei". Kirei kan artinya cantik, lah masa si Rui cantiiik x'D awkwk.
Ada juga beberapa adegan yang sweeeeet banget. Dimana Rui senderan di bahunya Ren!!! YAAAMPUUUN!!! Gila banget FS nya, bikin diabetes :') Aku tuh sampe mikir, ini tumben2 nya project Zero ngasih hint Yaoi sebanyak ini. Biasanya juga seringnya ngasih ngehint Yuri :'3
Ini nih screenshoot yang lebih banyaknya:
Ren nemuin foto misterius :3 |
Gambar foto misteriusnya, sekilas menurutku mirip Rui :3 |
Ren nyelametin Rui yang pengen bunuh diri (Gara2 kesurupan) |
Suka ngeliat ini, uuuuu so handsome and cute! |
Rui pas ketemu shiragiku, maybe pengen masukin arwah Rui ke boneka |
Rui yang ditemuin Ren di dalem peti. Uuu kayak kucing yang dibuang x'D |
NOO!! KENAPA ADA ADEGAN PELUKAN GINI! Aku mikirnya "Aaah kalo mau ngelakuin "itu" jangan pas disini dong, lol" #plaak |
Rui yang ditemuin di mimpinya Ren. AAAA! Kenapa pake baju pengantin!? Ini aku yang salah, project zero yang salah, atau Ren yang imajinasinya udah kemana-mana!?? #plaak #ditabokren |
Parah sih hintnya :') Kenapa harus dipeluk? Why? Why mereka so sweet? Kokoro ini LEMAH! |
Rui kecapean, terus pas Ren mau pergi. Rui nyegat Ren supaya jangan pergi. Then akhirnya Ren gak pergi dan jagain Rui tidur. Parah gak sih hintnya? Iya, PARAH BANGET! |
Finally, the fanart <3 |
So Sweet banget kan mereka?? XD
Tapi seperti waktu kata-kata eike sebelumnya, "TADINYA" couple ini couple fav eike. Tapiiii.... Setelah aku mau cari tau tentang mereka... disanalah akhirnya terkuak sebuah rahasia yang seharusnya tidak perlu aku ketahui... :')))
Dan rahasia itu.....
Check note sang director aja deh ya :')
Check note sang director aja deh ya :')
Created due to a request from Nintendo to have a character as Ren's assistant who would act like the Kobayashi to Ren's Detective Akechi. I thought it would be difficult to keep Kobayashi as-is, but I did have one idea. The Kobayashi in Akio Jissoji's "Murder on D Street" is played by an actress called Hitomi Miwa dressed in male clothing, and no matter how you look at it you can only see her as a cross-dressing woman, despite him of course being male... Not only that, but at the end of the film, having been in male costume, Hitomi Miwa puts on an elegant kimono and rouge, giving off a bewitching charm. The Kobayashi in "Murder on D Street" has the inversion of being a woman dressed as a man dressing as a woman, leaving you confused as to which he really is.
Rui in this game emulates that strange charm, and is officially a character whom you don't know whether they're male or female, leaving multiple interpretations open. Even our staff had varying opinions, like, "She's a woman, of course," or, "He's fine as a boy," but if you think reasonably about it, I think she should be a girl. There are men called Rui as well, but Rui was a girls' name that was popular in the Edo period, and I've also heard that it spread when the kaidan "Kasane-ga-fuchi" was created.
Note: the kanji used in the name can be used interchangeably as "kasane" or "rui", written the same way.
As for myself, I would like to give my support to the theory that Rui is both male and female, and had somehow or other decided to be a man when she met Ren, and maintained a careful balance in their relationship in this manner, being able to stay by Ren's side, despite his aversion to women, because he thought of her as male, but as Ren became wrapped up in yuukon and began to be charmed by Ouse, she started to have a strong consciousness of her being a woman as well. The name Rui itself encompasses both genders. By the way, the surname "Kagamiya" comes from a place in Toyama.
Note: in this case it is written the same, but read "Kaganomiya".
She is supposed to have begun opening up to Ren whilst talking about stories from the area, since they're from the same place, and she sees herself dressed up as a bride in the mirror, so I searched for a place in Toyama with "Kagami" (mirror) in its name.
Rui is meant to have "just turned up" at Ren's house. At first, Ren was so hopeless that she couldn't leave him alone and started having to look after him, but gradually she moved in with him and started work in an attempt to help him. Initially, Rui's self-sacrificial mentality at taking on his care is meant to have come from warped desires, and she kept secret aspirations of giving herself up to save Ren kept hidden away inside. In the end, only a small amount of this desire is left in her notebook, and she became a character with an incredibly pure personality, as she appears to be.
HE's actually a SHE.
Sumpah ya, dari cara jalan, bicara, semuanya tuh kayak cowok!!! Dadanya aja rata! AAAAAAAA MBAH GOOGLE, YOU RUINED MY DREAM!!!
Pantesan aku heran, kok Project Zero baik banget sih ngasih ngehint Yaoi di gamenya. Biasanya kan kebanyakan Yuri hintnya :'' Padahal aku udah seneng banget.... tapi.... tapi.....
Tapi sang directornya sendiri bilang, kalo dia bebas mau nganggep si Rui ini cewek apa cowok. Para Staff project zero nya pun bilang hal yang sama :') Rui gak masalah kalo jadi cowok.
Ah, sudahlah.
Pokoknya aku tetep mikir kalau Rui itu Cowok. Titik.
I'm gonna ship Ren x Rui, if Rui is a boy! #ditampol