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Posted by : imfaghag May 06, 2013

Judul lagunya "Radio-Friendly Pop Song" by Matt Fishel. Lagu ini bercerita tentang seorang pemuda yang mempunyai profesi sbg penyanyi. Pemuda itu adalah seorang gay, karena sang manager tau kalo si pemuda ini gay, dia gak mau orientasi seksnya si pemuda diketahuin orang >.<

Pokoknya si pemuda ini harus buat lagu yang gak boleh ada kata him nya, yg punya label gak mau ada lagu2 yang berbau LGBT. Alasannya karena gak baik di denger anak kecil lah, dsb. Awww... Get over it, some boys got a boyfriend right?? lol

Ini dia lyric untuk lagu tsb ^^:
It's a pleasure to meet you my friend
Come take a seat at my desk
I gotta tell you kid
The whole team is more than impressed
Your melodies soar and all of your choruses shine
The lyrics are sound and your voice is fundamentally fine
But face it if you wanna make it on the radio kid
You gotta do as I say
Change all the hims into hers
And just don't tell the world that you're shh

Happy to help, take my card, please think about what I've said
Do do do do but this is an industry where people make money
So your art has to sell blah blah blah blah
And you should never seek to challenge to an audience
They buy what they're told and we never get it wrong
Go write us a nonoffensive tasteful conventional song
Like this one
Girls like boys and boys like girls and that's the way it should be forever

Welcome to Tinseltown kid I'm gonna make you a star
You got the fire in your gut and everything that you need to go far
You're a talented guy, you can shake Hollywood to the ground
And with us on your side plus your looks you're gonna conquer this town
But face it if you wanna break into this business kid you gotta play the part
And you'll never play a leading man if you let onto your fans the truth about who you are
Just remember that girls like boys and boys like girls and that's the way it has been forever
Girls like boys and boys like girls and that's the way it will be forever
On the radio, in Hollywood, on the TV shows, for the greater good
He said think about the children
Think about the children

You wanted to write me hit record for the radio
Are you never gonna get it?
The kids already know
Some girls like girls, some boys got a boyfriend
I like guys and they like me
We hold hands, make out and do all the things that lovers do
Some girls like girls, some boys got a boyfriend
I like guys and they like me
We hold hands, make out and do all the things that lovers do

Mungkin ini menggambarkan artis2 yang terpaksa menyembunyikan orientasinya karena tekanan dari managementnya kali ya. Sulit juga ya jadi artis, gak bisa jadi diri sendiri...lol *plaak*


{ 1 comments... read them below or add one }

  1. ini pas banget buat jaejoong. gue seneng pas dia bilang kalo dia ga pernah bikin lagu buat cewek. sooo brave


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